Friday, February 24, 2012

Safety Messages in New Formats

We are constantly bombarded with messages, from the moment our radio alarm clock goes off until we finally power down the smartphone or tablet and go to bed.  With all the advertising and communications out there, it can be difficult to focus on really important information, and sometimes the competition between messages can be overwhelming.  Emergency managers must consider how best to engage with their communities and make sure life-saving information makes it through the clutter. Sometimes the best way to share that important information is to change the frame of reference for the audience and present it in a new or innovative way.  When a message is particularly well managed, it may also spur the community to take action on the message.  A great example of this is the #airplanesforallstate campaign.

Everyone knows that texting while driving is dangerous, and most of us know that thousands of teens each year are killed while doing just that, but do you ever really listen to that message?

What if we told you that every year, the equivalent of 12 jumbo jets of teens are killed because they are distracted by text messages while driving?

That's a pretty sobering statistic, and one that, because it was presented in a new and relevant format, it gathered some pretty significant attention- in fact, it brought an entire community together to raise awareness in Spokane, Washington. As public safety and emergency management professionals, it is important for us to constantly evaluate our messages and keep them fresh, so that they make it through the millions of other messages bombarding our communities every day. We must also consider how to make our messaging relevant to our audience, and craft and deliver them in a way that encourages our communities to take ownership of the message.

I have included the #airplanesforallstate public safety message, and the fantastic community outreach program it inspired, below.  If you'd like more information about this program, please visit The Hodgson Agency at

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