Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Slingshots as Deadly Weapons

Courtesy of "Wired" magazine, I checked out "The Slingshot Channel" on YouTube over the weekend...and I think the only expression I can come up with to adequately describe how I felt watching these videos is (sadly) OMFG. The Coconut Massacre video is particularly awesome, in a macabre sort of way. It provides imagery that lets you imagine, without too much effort, what someone's skull might look like on receiving a head shot. These are not the tools of Dennis the Menace, that's for damn sure.

Seriously, the guy who builds these is majorly smart and inventive. These are so clearly weapons, and not toys, although many of them are so impractical it would be difficult to imagine them in a seriously dangerous setting. Well, dangerous to anyone not actively using or spectating on the use of them.  Anyway, I thought it was sufficiently awesome, albeit tinged with anxiety, to share. Check out The Slingshot Channel Blog using the link on the right, or visit the actual channel on You Tube, and let me know what you think the most awesome slingshot video is. Personally? I'm sticking with the coconuts.

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